Hello My Twenties – Il dorama meno dorama che abbia mai visto (in positivo!) ~ ☕☕☕☕

Saaaaalve a tutti!

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Dopo avervi finalmente spiegato tutti i perché e i percome dei dorama in questo meraviglioso articolo insieme a Pirandello, NON POTEVO non parlarvi di una serie asiatica che ho amato a dismisura, ovvero Hello My Twenties (Age of Youth in originale).

Sono sincera: per quanto ami i dorama, a volte la dose di trash da affrontare è davvero elevata, e mi ci vuole un sacco di tempo per “smaltirla”.  Ma Hello My Twenties me lo sono divorato e sono fermamente convinta che sia una serie adattissima anche a chi non è fan dei prodotti asiatici, o che non ne abbia mai visto uno. 4cb241311223cb679fdb15e52fb9a749aae5c510_hq

Il motivo? Perché è il dorama “meno dorama” che io abbia mai visto. Ora vi spiego. Continua a leggere

Chocolate – I thought was love, it was death, instead ~ ☕☕

Hello, everyone!
How you doin’?

Today’s review concerns a dorama I recently binge-watched on Netflix: Chocolate.

First of all, let’s open a bracket. What does “dorama” mean?

doramaDorama is a japanese word that identifies a type of TV show. They are fictions regularly broadcasted from the main national broadcasting stations and they always have a big success, also thanks to the participation of celebrities like J-pop singer and idols. The same format is very common in South Korea, Taiwan, Hong-Kong, China, Singapore, Philippines and Thailand.”

– Wikipedia

In Western countries, we tend to use the word “dorama” for Asian TV series – and, occasionally, movies -, especially if they’re love stories. Characterized by a certain dose of clichés and trash.
! It is not used to identify Indian products !


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Little Women – “If the main character is a girl, make sure she is married by the end. Or dead. Either way.” ~ ☕☕☕☕

BB39CE93-AC42-434A-8433-224E1447A541Hello, world!
How are you?

Today’s review is about Little Women, finally!

I was so looking forward to going to the cinema, since I’ve always loved Louisa May Alcott’s novels and, despite my high expectations, the film was up to them and did not disappoint me! The little changes gave me food for thought that I gladly embraced.

This film’s first strength is, without a doubt, Continua a leggere