Thor: Ragnarok – Taika Waititi (2017) ~ ☕☕☕☕

(Disclaimer: this review is a translation of a review posted on November 3rd, 2017)

Hello people!

Back to MCU reviews, I know, I just love these movies so much!

Today I’m going to talk about Thor: Ragnarok, the 3rd Marvel movie which has the blonde god son of Odin as main character.

Little spoiler: it’s a must watch. Continua a leggere

The invisible boy – Gabriele Salvatores (2014) ~ ☕☕☕

Hello everyone!

Today’s review is about the 2014 Italian movie The invisible boy. I admit it, I watched it just because I saw the trailer of the sequel and I was curious.

Now that I think about it, I had already tried to watch it once, but it didn’t catch me… this time, everything was different.

Let’s start from the plot. Continua a leggere

Deadpool 2 – David Leitch (2018) ~ ☕☕☕☕

Good evening, everyone!

We’re not dead! We are deeply sorry for the lack of activity, but we are swamped with academic exams. Gradually, we’ll be operative again!


Anyway, cut to the chase and let’s start!

deadpool-2-poster-from-studio-that-killed-wolverine-1107580In today’s review, I want to talk about the new, amazing, sensational, lively chapter of our favourite anti-hero’s adventures, sequel I waited since I left the theatre after having seen the last post-credit scene of Deadpool: Deadpool 2.

I will be honest, though I quivered in anticipation of this movie, I was afraid it could never live up to the first.
Well, I am glad to inform you that I was totally wrong.
In some mysterious way, David Leicht has been able to direct a movie which surpassed the previous one and which could satisfy any kind of expectation.

But first things first and let’s talk about the plot!

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Deadpool – Tim Miller (2016 movie) ~ ☕☕☕☕

4ae4e-deadpool-834516798-largeHello everyone!

A long time has passed since the last English review I wrote, but don’t worry, I’m back! (Sorry for you.)

Here I am talking about an amazing movie I saw with a friend last week, that is, as you see, Marvel’s Deadpool.
I won’t deny I’m quite fond of superheroes movies, even if I haven’t seen all of them. However, I really appreciated this one even if I hardly knew about this hero’s existence.

But let’s talk about the plot first.

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