Deadpool 2 – David Leitch (2018) ~ ☕☕☕☕

Good evening, everyone!

We’re not dead! We are deeply sorry for the lack of activity, but we are swamped with academic exams. Gradually, we’ll be operative again!


Anyway, cut to the chase and let’s start!

deadpool-2-poster-from-studio-that-killed-wolverine-1107580In today’s review, I want to talk about the new, amazing, sensational, lively chapter of our favourite anti-hero’s adventures, sequel I waited since I left the theatre after having seen the last post-credit scene of Deadpool: Deadpool 2.

I will be honest, though I quivered in anticipation of this movie, I was afraid it could never live up to the first.
Well, I am glad to inform you that I was totally wrong.
In some mysterious way, David Leicht has been able to direct a movie which surpassed the previous one and which could satisfy any kind of expectation.

But first things first and let’s talk about the plot!

MV5BNzhkODY0ZWUtYjY5YS00MTVlLWIxZWQtNTJlNDZmMmZjY2Q3XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNDg2MjUxNjM@._V1_SY1000_SX1500_AL_-616x411Wade Wilson‘s life (Ryan Reynolds) is thriving: he has become famous as Deadpool, the “killer-hero” who kills criminals around the world, and he finally lives with the woman of his dreams, Vanessa (Morena Baccarin), who loves him despite everything.
One evening, though, Wade faces the wrong criminal, who “surprises” him at home and kills Vanessa.
Needless to say that Wade’s instant revenge does not relieve his pain, that throws him on a self-pity spiral that ends up bringing him to the “X-Mansion”, X-Men headquarters.
745338Here Colossus tries, for the thousandth time, to enlist Deadpool and, precisely during Wade’s “internship”, they run into Russell Collins (Julian Dennison), a kid destined to become a super criminal – according to a time traveller shown up out of nowhere, Cable (Josh Brolin) -.
From now on, the exciting, crazy, senselessly hilarious adventures of Deadpool start,ending up to a breath-taking end.

This film also is full of “typical Deadpool” jokes, audience’s laughs begin from the very first scene – that makes fun of our feelings reminding us the agonizing end of Logan: the Wolverine – and the way Wade breaks the fourth wall is, to say very least, hilarious (just think of the post-credit scenes: brilliant!).

The new characters are spectacular, especially Domino (Zazie Beetz) who, with her as absurd as amazing superpower and her attitude, won me over, totally. I can’t help but thinking that a spin-off about her would not hurt, don’t you agree?
The old characters reconfirmed wonderful.

What else could I say? The words that best describe this movie are probably “cool”, “absurd” and “hilarious”.
It only remains for me to recommend you to hurry to watch it and enjoy these couple of hours of pure entertainment.

Have fun!

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